
Eugene DePasquale took tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from, and gave his vote on a government board to a corrupt, racist union boss, who was sued for breaking an employee’s nose, using racial slurs, and was convicted after being indicted on 116 criminal counts. He even said that he and DePasquale quote “share the same core values."
Eugene DePasquale is out of touch with everyday Pennsylvanians who are struggling to pay their bills. He called Biden’s tenure in office, meaning the last four years, quote “one of unprecedented growth and stability” end quote.
As Auditor General, Eugene DePasquale wasted tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars on self-promotion, high-end restaurants and air travel, leading to a bipartisan effort to cut his office’s budget.
Eugene DePasquale is out of touch. He worked to close an ICE detention center and allow illegal immigrants to be released into Pennsylvania communities.
Undermining Public Safety: Eugene DePasquale attended a Defund the Police rally and partnered professionally with a group that wanted to defund the Pittsburgh police department.
Eugene DePasquale oversaw extensive, compulsory COVID-19 testing of prison inmates -- racking up public spending and pushing the boundaries on government respecting citizens' rights to privacy.
DePasquale Can't be Trusted to Keep Pennsylvania Safe.

Eugene DePasquale wants to let criminals out of jail. He believes, “...there is a pretty big chunk of the Pennsylvania prison population that should be back on the street...”